Mary Stazinski

She | Her | Hers

Life Transitions | LGBTQIA+ | Mindfulness | Emerging Adulthood | Relationships | Depression and Anxiety | Trauma | Gender & Sexuality

Virtual & In-Person

My Background

My name is Mary Stazinski, and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I first began to develop a passion for mental health while obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Butler University. This then encouraged my decision to pursue a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from DePaul University. I love that being a counselor allows me the opportunity to empower clients and to be a part of their healing journey. I have previous experience working in a non-profit setting with individuals presenting with a variety of concerns such as relational discord, unemployment, and complex trauma history.

I view therapy as a collaborative process through which we work together to develop and work toward your goals. I believe that trust is the foundation of a client-therapist relationship and work to create a safe, comfortable space through humor and an accepting, nonjudgmental attitude. I am passionate about providing therapy that is trauma-informed and culturally sensitive. I understand the impact that systemic and social issues can have on people’s lives, mental health, and overall well being. I bring this understanding to therapy and welcome conversations to explore, unpack, and process these forces. My approach to therapy is primarily insight-oriented, which encourages exploration of how past experiences link to present behaviors. My approach is also influenced by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Humanistic therapy, and Feminist therapy with emphasis on mindfulness and self care strategies. My clinical interests include relationship and social challenges, depression and anxiety, trauma, gender & sexuality, and life transitions. I tailor my approach to each individual, as I do not believe that there is a one size fits all approach.

Outside of my role as a therapist, I enjoy spending time doing crafts, reading, and walking around the city. I also spend a lot of my time with my dear cat, Anakin, who you will probably end up meeting once or twice in a virtual session.