Women’s Counseling
A compassionate therapist who specializes in life transitions counseling for women can help you work through difficult feelings, find effective solutions to challenges and discover opportunities for profound growth and self-discovery.

Women’s Counseling Services
Are you feeling unsure and overwhelmed in the midst of a major change? Perhaps you recently divorced, graduated, started school or a new job, moved, had a child, got married or are single again and looking for a partner. Do you feel unprepared or even helpless to deal with significant and perhaps sudden change? Maybe you’re going through what is generally considered a positive life change, such as a promotion at work or a new baby, and you feel guilty and confused about your unhappiness. Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed with feelings of inadequacy, feel stuck and apathetic or fear taking a step in a new direction. Maybe you’re unsure about what the next step should be. Do you wish you felt confident in your ability to make empowering decisions and move forward into a happy, fulfilling life?
Going through a major life transition can be a lonely and confusing experience. The uncertainty that comes with a loss or a new role can cause overwhelming fear, anxiety and even depression. You may wake up every morning feeling stuck or scared, obsessing about how this change will influence your life. As you feel more alone and isolated in a rush of emotions, it may feel increasingly difficult to connect with others, balance responsibilities and find purpose in life. You might also be experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression that can be caused by the stress and uncertainty of transitions, which may be affecting your sleeping and eating habits as well as your ability to feel confident and move forward.
Living with anxiety can be a distressing, frustrating and sometimes frightening experience. You may be preoccupied by “what if” questions about the future that you can’t control, causing your thoughts to spiral and fuel more distressing emotions and physical symptoms. The ongoing, looping cycle of anxiety can impact all aspects of your life, including work performance and your relationships. The eating, sleeping and other physical issues that are often associated with anxiety may also be adding to your distress and causing you to feel increasingly withdrawn or on edge.
If you are struggling to adapt to a major change, you are not alone.
Frequently Asked Questions About Women’s Counseling
Do I really need counseling? Won’t this phase pass on its own?
Oftentimes, there is so much stress associated with a major change that the stress can and will linger or even worsen. When pent-up stress gets trapped in your system, it can cause a variety of issues, including insomnia, nightmares, headaches, stomach aches, depression, anxiety and more. Getting help sooner rather than later allows you to lessen and even avoid some of these discomforts as well as learn more about you and what you truly need to feel empowered, balanced and at ease.
The pain I’m experiencing is severe. I doubt that therapy can help me.
We encourage you to at least try therapy, especially if you’re beginning to lose hope that things can get better. In the safe space of women’s counseling, you can receive specialized guidance that allows you to finally process and expel difficult emotions. And, as you become more resilient and empowered, you can discover what’s at the root of this distress, why it continues to come up and how to effectively take care of yourself.
With everything going on, I’m worried I don’t have time for counseling.
We understand and respect your busy schedule, which is why we provide flexible options to all my clients. With that being said, allotting an hour a week to counseling can actually save you a tremendous amount of time. When you’re able to clarify what you’re going through and practice practical coping strategies, you can then spend less time worrying, ruminating and feeling down.
Women’s Counseling
If you are struggling to adapt to a major change, you are not alone. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults (18 percent of the population) in the United States are struggling with anxiety. And, anxiety in women is 60 percent more common than in men. Anyone adapting to a new role or environment experiences discomfort and uncertainty. New moms always worry about providing the best care for their child and balancing family responsibilities with their own needs. Newlyweds tend to have lingering questions about combining finances and familial traditions. If you’ve recently graduated from college, you may be worried about meeting the expectations of others and yourself. And if you’ve recently gone through a divorce, you may be dealing with heavy feelings of grief, loss
Counseling for women can be incredibly effective in helping you process personal challenges as well as to become more confident and effective in a new role. In safe, compassionate life transition counseling sessions, we can help you evaluate what you are going through and acknowledge and honor your fears, uncertainties, emotions
If you’re a new mother and dealing with anxiety or inadequacy issues or postpartum depression, we can help you better work through difficult feelings and acquire skills that can help you feel more confident and equipped to face parenting’s inevitable challenges. We’ll provide compassionate support as we work collaboratively to explore your expectations of motherhood and develop strategies that enable you to balance family responsibilities with your own self-care needs, career and relationships.
If you recently graduated from school and are struggling to adapt to life out on your own, career counseling can help you clarify what you truly want and provide the support you need to take important initial steps toward happiness and success. Together we can talk through the expectations of your family and friends and explore the opportunities that you feel are right for you, not others. You can openly talk through your personal and professional goals, ambitions and expectations for yourself and take thoughtful, effective steps that are in accordance with your beliefs and desires.