Empowered Therapy Blogs

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Feeling Unwhole? IFS Therapy Can Help You Reclaim Your Inner Harmony

Feeling Unwhole? IFS Therapy Can Help You Reclaim Your Inner Harmony

Have you ever felt like there are multiple versions of yourself battling it out inside your head?  One part might be fiercely critical, another might crave comfort, and another might simply want to avoid conflict altogether.   This internal symphony can be confusing...

Grief and the Path to Personal Growth: Learning to Live with Loss

Grief and the Path to Personal Growth: Learning to Live with Loss

Grief, a heavy cloak draped around the soul, can feel like the antithesis of growth. Yet, beneath the pain and sorrow, a remarkable journey of personal transformation often unfolds.  Learning to live with loss  is a process, not a destination, and within it lies the...

Shedding Light on EMDR: A Revolutionary Approach to Treating Trauma

Shedding Light on EMDR: A Revolutionary Approach to Treating Trauma

Imagine a locked room within your mind, a place where a traumatic experience resides, casting a long shadow over your present. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy can be the key that unlocks this room, helping you process the trauma and step...

Navigating Your Twenties and Thirties: What is a Quarter-Life Crisis?

Navigating Your Twenties and Thirties: What is a Quarter-Life Crisis?

Ah, your twenties and thirties. A period often painted as a whirlwind of exciting possibilities as independence, career growth, love, and maybe even a family. But what if, amidst the whirlwind, you find yourself feeling lost, unsure, and questioning everything? You...